Lodaer Img

Michael McIsaac

Hypogonadism and Prostate Cancer

In this author’s last post, prostate cancer (PC) growth and proliferation was explored as well as its relationship to low vitamin D (measured as 25-hydroxyvitamin D, or 25OHD) levels. In the following sections, this author would like to continue elucidating other conditions and mechanisms behind malignant tumor growth within the prostate, to include hypogonadism; a […]

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Vitamin D3 and Prostate Cancer

Vitamin D3 (VD) is largely known as a key nutrient in controlling metabolic bone disease. However, VD’s role in immune-modulating and anti-inflammatory capabilities has become increasingly recognized.1Interestingly, many tissues and cells, to include the immune system, contain vitamin D receptors (VDRs), indicating an intimate relationship between said nutrient and cell function.1(49) However, large portions of humans […]

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Ketogenic Diets and Brain Cancer

Cancer is a leading cause of disease and mortality accounting for more than 8.8 million deaths in 2015, worldwide.1 Gliomas, an often-malignant type of brain cancer, are a frequently diagnosed form of tumor with an estimated 23,800 new cases identified for 2017.1(136) As such, it is imperative to develop interventions that manage and/or prevent the […]

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Avocado Oil and Health Benefits

Avocado is a fruit known as Persea americana, which contains a large concentration of minerals (phosphorous/magnesium/potassium) and lipids.1 The avocado tree finds its origins in tropical and/or subtropical climates with the largest producing countries including Dominican Republic, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, and Indonesia.1(381) Furthermore, the avocado industry is predicted to rise at a compound annual growth […]

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Olive Oil and Health Benefits

Special diets for special needs acknowledge the concept of bio-individuality, and the preference to mold food choices based on the signs, symptoms, goals, and health outcomes of each individual. One diet of particular interest is that of Mediterranean origin, otherwise known as the Mediterranean diet (MD). Such a method of eating is characterized by generous […]

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Anti-inflammatory Diets and Depression

Depression is a condition that affects more that 4.4% of the population, or 322 million individuals, globally.1 Furthermore, associations between chronic inflammation and a range of neurological diseases, to include depression, have been established. Finally, research has elucidated particular dietary approaches and nutrients which modulate inflammatory factors and events, inducing a range of anti-inflammatory properties.1(2045) […]

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Coconut Oil; Exploring the Facts

In this author’s last post, two dietary strategies (Mediterranean diet and low carbohydrate/ ketogenic diet) were explored and considered for their influence upon health biomarkers and outcomes. A common element found from both diets included the daily consumption and use of oils as part of their respective regimens. In the following sections, this author would […]

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Small Intestinal Fungal Overgrowth (SIFO) and Nutritional Interventions

Small intestinal fungal overgrowth (SIFO) is a condition characterized by an excessive population of fungal microorganisms inhabiting the small intestine (SI).1 SIFO exhibits a broad range of symptoms to include gas, diarrhea (leading to nutrient deficiencies), belching, indigestion, and bloating.1(1) Left unmitigated, such symptoms can negatively effect individuals’ quality of life and health. However, detection […]

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Special Diets for Special Needs

Food sources in the human diet can include beef, fish, poultry, pork, dairy, nuts, seeds, legumes,  vegetables, fruits, and oils. As such, there is a nearly inexhaustible combination of macronutrients and micronutrients that individuals might choose when consuming food. Such variability is further complicated by lack of generalizability regarding the use of a single dietary […]

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The Moralization and Condemnation of Obesity

Obesity is increasing both in number and reach across North America, other Westernized countries, Asia, the Near and Middle East, Western Pacific regions, and Sub-Saharan Africa.1 Weight as a topic has become pervasive and viewed in moral terms during public settings, media discussions, and policy discourse.2 However, as such platforms increased discussions regarding obesity/morality, said condition […]

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