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Michael McIsaac

Depression: How Does Exercise Help?

INTRODUCTION Depression is a condition affecting approximately 268 million individuals, worldwide.1 This makes such a condition highly prevalent, and worthy of review. Major depressive disorder (MDD) is characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, often accompanied by a lack of interest/pleasure participating in activities. Many of you reading are likely to know somebody in your circle, […]

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Newfoundland, Drinking Water, and Arsenic: Check Levels!

INTRODUCTION Arsenic (As) is a metalloid (exhibits metal and non-metal properties) found in a ubiquitous fashion within food, soil, various places in the environment, and water; the latter of which is the most prevalent vector for human exposure.1 Natural disasters, such as ocean volcanos/forest fires, as well as and oil/wood burning can disperse As throughout […]

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Mitochondria and Relationships to Health

INTRODUCTION Mitochondria are organelles (subcellular structures conducting specific tasks) found within the cells of our bodies. Such organelles are involved in several critical processes to include reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, cell survival, cell signalling, apoptosis (cell death), several metabolic pathways, and energy production via adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthesis; its most widely known contribution.1,2 As […]

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Immune Support Protocols for COVID-19

The following is a summary of potential interventions, that I have written about previously, regarding immune support for COVID-19. The articles below have been collated for easy referencing:   1. COVID-19, Micronutrients, and Immune Support 2. Oral/Nasal Cleanses, SARS-CoV-2, and Early Interventions 3. Metabolic Syndrome, COVID-19 Severity, and Interventions 4. Sleep Deprivation and COVID-19 Severity: […]

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Sucralose: Is It Safe?

INTRODUCTION Sucralose is an artificial sweetener that was manufactured in the late 1980s by Tate & Lyle Company and the Queen Elizabeth College (University of London).1 Sucralose is a derivative of the natural sugar sucrose, whereby 3 hydroxyl groups (OH) are replaced by chlorine (CL) atoms.1(325) Such modifications have enabled sucralose to increase its sweetness […]

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Thyroidectomies and Hypoparathyroidism: Exploring the Relationship

  GENERAL OVERVIEW Thyroidectomy is a procedure whereby part, or all, of the thyroid gland is removed.1 Such a surgery is conducted to address and treat thyroid disorders to include: overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism), thyroid gland enlargement (goiter), and thyroid cancer.1 If partial thyroid gland removal is undertaken, the remaining glandular tissue is likely to continue […]

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Coffee: Exploring Health Benefits

ECONOMICS OF COFFEE Coffee consumption is the leading beverage, worldwide, just behind water, with its 2019 sales exceeding that of 87 billion dollars within the United States alone.1,2 Coffee remains one of the most widely and globally traded commodities, supporting the livelihoods of over 100 million individuals, and 26 million farmers across 52 countries.2(1) The […]

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Plastics and Negative Health Impacts

PLASTIC BASICS Plastics tend to constitute an estimated 10% of total household waste, most of which are disposed of in landfills.1 Plastics are made of a wide variety of synthetic and semi-synthetic organic substances, which allow for various molded objects and shapes. Due to the multiple uses and durability of plastic, production is high; in […]

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Sleep Disorders and Weighted Blankets: Can They Help?

WHY DOES SLEEP MATTER? Adequate sleep is critical to maintain homeostasis; sufficient and consistent sleep is necessary to maintain metabolic, cerebrovascular, and cardiovascular health in addition to mental health, mood, and cognitive function.1 Left unchecked, poor sleep can induce deleterious effects upon physical health, general well-being, and public safety.1(2115) Ultimately, fractured sleeping patterns have been […]

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