Lodaer Img

Michael McIsaac

Thoracic Spine Rotation Screens

Upper crossed syndrome (UCS) is characterized by muscle imbalances, which create joint, postural, and movement dysfunctions in the cervical and thoracic regions (Page, Lardner, & Frank, 2010). One defining characteristic of UCS is thoracic/thoracolumbar hyperkyphosis; joint positions, which can decrease scapular and glenohumeral stability, deepen muscle imbalances, and provocate joint degeneration (Page et al., 2010). […]

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Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA)

The selective functional movement assessment (SFMA) attempts to determine the etiology of painful motions by evaluating limitations and symptom provocation. It is this model, which is implemented by some medical professionals after painful patterns are found within the functional movement screen (FMS) (George, 2011). It should be noted that this author is an exercise professional, […]

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My Use of the Functional Movement Screen (FMS)

Dysfunctional movement compromises efficiency, and contributes to the initiation/exacerbation of pain (Page, Lardner, & Frank, 2010). The functional movement screen (FMS) attempts to detect movement patterns that are faulty and/or painful, as a means of reducing chances of injury, and improving durability (Cook, Burton, Hoogenboom, & Voight, 2014). However, the FMS is not without criticism, and some […]

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Exploring the Functional Movement Screen

Movement impairment has been thought to live within a perpetual cycle, feeding deeper dysfunction and pain through the passage of time. Such a cycle is known as the chronic musculoskeletal pain cycle (CMPC) (Page, Lardner, & Frank, 2010). Knowledge of the aforementioned phenomenon demands vigilance and a proactive sensibility from the exercise professional when training […]

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Movement Dysfunctions and Assessment Techniques

Physical function may be thought of as goal-directed movement, considered a conduit between physical actions, commonly defined as movement, and the environment in which it occurs (Cech & Martin, 2012). If movement is inhibited or impaired, an individual may be less able to participate in goal directed movement, in a safe and efficient manner. Additionally, […]

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Regional Interdependence and Neck Pain

Regional interdependence (RI) can be defined by the influence that a remote dysfunctional movement pattern in one part of the body may have on a client’s primary report of pain and symptoms in another region of the body (Sueki, Cleland, & Wainner, 2013). Such a paradigm shift from a traditional structural perspective, which considers symptoms of pain, […]

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Why We Need 12-24 Sessions With Post-Rehab Clients

Kinesiology is an emerging field, slowly finding its place amongst other allied health and health care professions. Historically, Kinesiology is new, compared to the inception and growth of other established professions (i.e., massage therapy, physiotherapy, chiropractic, and medicine). Often, (I do not believe this to be intentional), our message, scope of practice, and efficaciousness appears […]

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Grip Strength and Shoulder Post-Rehab

Shoulder pain and dysfunction are common with a 6–11% prevalence in the under-fifties and 16–25% in the elderly (Alizadehkhaiyat, Fisher, Kemp, Vishwanathan, & Frostick, 2011). Alizadehkhaiyat et al. (2011) submitted that the infraspinatus (ISP) and supraspinatus (SSP), specifically, have key multifunctional roles to shoulder stability and movement. It is the contention of Alizadehkhaiyat et al. […]

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