Lodaer Img

Michael McIsaac

Strength Training and Sarcopenia

In this author’s previous post, information was provided regarding advanced age (i.e., 65+) and associated changes in strength production, muscle physiology, and quality of life. Left unchecked, such losses compound over time impeding individuals’ health and function. Primary drivers behind such unfavorable changes included a lack of physical activity and decreased appetite (please see The […]

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Exploring Age-Related Strength Loss

Individuals of advanced age (i.e., 65+) tend to exhibit changes in several biomarkers considered essential in maintaining activities of daily living (ADL) and overall health. Such changes include steady decrements in both muscle mass and bone density; hallmarks of the aging process.1 Left unchecked, such losses compound over time inexorably impeding individuals’ health and function. […]

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Lung Cancer: Potential Support With Berberine and Cinnamaldehyde

Cancer remains a leading cause of death, worldwide, despite advances in early screening and patient care. Although systemic therapies exist, such as chemotherapy and hormone therapy, toxicity and side effects from such approaches often erode their appeal to patients suffering from cancer.1 Natural therapeutic approaches, which include botanical interventions, have been used for generations to […]

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Upper Respiratory Tract Infections: Support With Aromatic Herbs

Herbal medicine has been practiced in regions of the world for generations, and continues to emerge in Westernized societies as an alternative to conventional approaches.1 Interestingly, aromatic herbs are known to exhibit a wide spectrum of pharmacological properties used both in culinary herbs and traditional remedies.1(1) One particular use for such herbs could be for […]

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Wound Healing: Support With Oregano Essential Oil 

The skin is the largest organ of the body and provides a dynamic barrier against toxic chemicals, physical injury, and infectious microorganisms.1,2 The main cells of the skin layer/barrier are keratinocytes constituting approximately 95% of total tissue content.2(1) Living within the physical barrier, keratinocytes carry out critical immune functions to include synthesis and secretion of […]

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Astragali Radix: Supporting Immunity

Immunotherapy is an intervention which uses an individual’s own immune system to manage diseases.1 Such is achieved by stimulating natural defenses found within the immune system to optimize an efficacious or desirable response to damaged cells, tissues, or the presence of pathogens.1,2 Within the last decade, immunotherapy has shown promise in treating immune-related conditions such […]

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Immune Support With Olive Leaf Extract

The immune system is composed of a complex and highly coordinated set of physiological and biochemical processes designed to manage cell and tissue injury from chemical, physical, and pathogenic agents.1 Thus, aberrations in immune system function will hinder an organism’s ability to induce defensive and regenerative processes in an effective and meaningful manner. One potential […]

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Menopause and Sleep Disturbances: Could Cannabis Help?

Menopause is a physiological change in menstruation emanating from fluctuations, and gradual down regulation, of ovarian hormonal activity.1 Hormonal fluctuations, also known as menopausal transition, can produce a plethora of symptoms to include depression, urinary incontinence, joint pain, palpitations, headaches, sexual concerns, night sweats, tiredness, and sleep disturbances.1(149) Most relevantly, sleep disturbances have been reported […]

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Urinary Tract Infections: Support With Garlic

The urinary tract is the most common region for bacterial infections, especially amongst females, and is estimated that nearly half of all women will experience at least one infection during their lifetime.1 Furthermore, urinary tract infections (UTIs) amount to approximately 100,000 hospitalizations, 1 million emergency visits, and 7 million family physician visits within the United […]

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