Lodaer Img

Personal Training

PERSONAL TRAINING: Once you have fully recovered from your injury, Personal Training builds on your general health and improves how you look, feel, and perform. Personal Training is often used to:

  • Reduce body fat
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Control blood sugars
  • Reduce “bad” cholesterol
  • Improve “good” cholesterol
  • Lower triglycerides (a type of fat)
  • Increase strength
  • Enhance power
  • Improve bone density
  • Increase flexibility
  • Improve mental health

When you add Nutritional Coaching to Personal Training, you will reach beyond your injury and recovery, and begin living your best life!


Initial Consultation Cost (plus tax)
1 Session (60 minutes) $100.00


Single (1 Person) Cost (plus tax)
1 Session (60 minutes) $100.00
12 Sessions (60 minutes) $1,140.00=$95.00/Hr
24 Sessions (60 minutes) $2,160.00=$90.00/Hr
36 Sessions (60 minutes) $3,060.00=$85.00/Hr


Semi-Private (2 People) Cost (plus tax)
1 Session (60 minutes) $75.00 per person


Semi-Private (3 People) Cost (plus tax)
1 Session (60 minutes) $65.00 per person


Semi-Private (4 People) Cost (plus tax)
1 Session (60 minutes) $55.00 per person



Sessions which take place outside of our private training studio or the Ches Penney Family YMCA will incur a travel fee of $20.00 per session.