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An Inspirational Story (April McCarthy)

I remember years ago reading a book about weight loss that Oprah had co-written. In the book Oprah related a story about winning her first Emmy award, but instead of enjoying the accolade, she was worried about being overweight. Her partner, Stedman, told her that by being so overweight that she was not living up to her full potential as a human being. This stuck with me for years through several diets, and plans to be thinner. I have battled the bulge most of my adult life; losing and gaining countless number of pounds over the years. I always felt I wasn’t living up to my full potential.

I was sitting on my couch one day eating some junk when my neighbour called.  She told me how her mom was in hospital dying of cancer, and wasn’t able to walk anymore. It really hit me just how lucky I was to be able to move.  After I hung up the phone, I put on my sneakers and started walking.

I had suffered a back injury after a car accident, and my doctor recommended I get some strength training. Shortly after I met Mike. I remember after our first session I was so shocked to find out how out of shape I was. I had spent years in denial  telling myself that being overweight wasn’t hurting anyone. During one of our first sessions, Mike told me that if you eat right and strength train, the weight would melt off.  I was hooked on the idea. I began reading everything I could online  about healthy eating and portion control. I started walking 5 miles every day with a friend, and in May  2011 I started going to the gym 4 days a week.  Mike’s enthusiasm towards health and fitness is infectious; you just can’t help getting excited about it too. I look forward to meeting with Mike each month to get a new program and push myself to the next level. I’ve had a couple of setbacks  along the way, but I didn’t let them stop me.

I never thought I would say I love getting up early in the morning to go to the gym, and never imagined I would hear someone say I was in “Killer shape!” I’ve lost 60lbs since I met Mike that day in April 2011, and I feel better physically and spiritually. I am so happy that I decided to do this for myself.

Please click and check out the before and after pics below:

April before & After

– April McCarthy