Lodaer Img

Michael McIsaac, MS, MS, CSCS

Supplement Quality and Regulation

Supplements are defined as products containing one or a combination of vitamins, minerals, herbs or other botanicals, and amino acids.1The supplement industry generates significant sums of revenue; Dagerman1(173)noted that in 2009, said industry generated 26.7 billion dollars with 1,000 new supplements entering the consumer market yearly with an excess of 29,000 supplements available for purchase […]

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Restricted Ankle Mobility: Risks and Interventions

In a previous discussion, I explored the general benefits of warm-ups and their relationships to performance enhancement. Stiff joints and restricted flexibility hinder full expressions of motions, movement patterns, and movement economy. Warm-ups can help circumvent these problems (Fradkin, Zazryn, & Smoliga, 2010). In order to more deeply appreciate the application and interventions of exercises […]

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Warm-Ups and Performance

A warm-up can be defined as preparatory exercise to improve competition or training performance (Fradkin, Zazryn, & Smoliga, 2010). However, have warm-ups been supported by evidence as being effective? If so, to what degree are they effective, and why are they effective? The following sections will explore the aforementioned questions to gain insight and appreciation […]

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Inadequate Sleep and Health Outcomes

Sleep is a vital, yet greatly overlooked, component to health. In many industrialized societies, there is a trend towards less hours of sleep per night (Gallicchio & Kalesan, 2009). Losses in sleep of seven hours or less are attributed to factors such as longer work schedules, and greater time associated with leisure activities (Gallicchio & […]

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Conflict Resolution

Conflict can be defined as a strong disagreement between people and groups that results in arguments (Conflict, 2014). Conflicts can be unpleasant, distracting, professionally expensive and emanate from organizational changes, scarcity of resources, prejudices as well as miscommunication (Haraway & Haraway, 2005). Ultimately, all causes are united by their destructive tendencies. Due to the deleterious […]

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Email Communication

Computer-mediated communication (CMC) has become a dominant platform for exchanging information at the workplace. Moreover, information is instantaneous and at the fingertip. No longer is it absolutely required to send letters in a physical form if one does not wish to do so; Email, Skype and FaceTime provide adequate mediums for convenient communication. However, are […]

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The Right to Participate

The history of subject abuse within research is well documented prior to 1946 (Pick, Berry, Gilbert, & McCaul, 2013). Since then, stringent measures have been developed and implemented to protect the rights of individuals directly involved in experimentation. However, have participants been excessively shrouded and shielded by these aforementioned measures? Have participants been distanced from […]

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History of Informed Consent

Ethical guidelines in human research finds its beginnings shortly after the Second World War. A cornerstone of ethical research is informed consent, and a fundamental principle of ethical standards is to treat human participants with respect while protecting individual rights. However, these guidelines did not exist prior to 1946. In the following sections, I would […]

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