All clients require program design predicated upon sound research, thorough assessments, and scrupulous attention to detail. In my business, clients exhibiting early or late stages of hyperkyphosis act as an excellent example in applying these aforementioned principles. I would like to briefly review hyperkyphosis, explore its clinical implications, and provide evaluative strategies implemented from my […]
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- BLOG Neurological / Psychological Skeletal Skeletal
Recovery from bone fractures follows a chronological process (i.e., hematoma/inflammation, cellular proliferation, and remodeling)helping one appreciate the cellular, physiological, and immunological events that occur during healing (Delforge, 2002). Knowledge of the healing process is essential, as it helps reveal the time, place, and form of mechanical loading through movement-based interventions; processes, which continue to restore […]
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- BLOG Body Fat / Skin Body Fat / Skin
Obesity, as an epidemic, finds its beginnings within the last 100 years, though we have only seen its obvious growth since the 1970s (Kenney, Wilmore, & Costill, 2012). As Western society and culture moved from a subsistent nation to an industrialized one, we began slipping from the ways of old. That is, we began moving […]
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- BLOG Body Fat / Skin Body Fat / Skin
Obesity carries with it, many complications that have detrimental effects on the health of an individual. Side effects can grow in a stealthy and insidious fashion, such that a person may not know a disease exists until it has manifested too deeply. I would like to cover the health problems associated with obesity, its complications, […]
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- BLOG Body Fat / Skin Body Fat / Skin
Obesity is an epidemic finding its home in children, adolescents, and adults. It does not discriminate among age groups or race, nor does it confine itself to a particular geographical region. In less than 100 years, civilization has moved from horse and cart, to astronauts orbiting the earth. Significant leaps in technology and knowledge marks […]
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- BLOG Cardiovascular / Circulatory
Anticipation and detection of cardiovascular heart disease (CHD) are paramount in its treatment. Understanding the degenerative process and risk factors of CHD helps shape our exercise choices and program development. I would like to cover contemporary research regarding benefits of exercise, in order to curtail the deleterious effects of CHD. Epidemiological evidence shows that physically […]
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- BLOG Cardiovascular / Circulatory Tests / Biomarkers
Understanding the disease process of coronary heart disease (CHD) allows us to anticipate, detect and treat its dysfunction before CHD worsens. Epidemiology has assisted us by collating several biomarkers that filters out individuals at risk of CHD. The following will cover these risk factors in more depth, in an attempt to broaden our understanding of […]
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- BLOG Cardiovascular / Circulatory Cardiovascular / Circulatory Cardiovascular / Circulatory Tests / Biomarkers
Pathophysiology helps us understand the pathology and physiology behind diseased and disordered systems of the body. In my last post, I covered roles of the cardiovascular system and the diseased states that occurred within it. Now, I would like to cover the pathophysiology behind these diseased states, as a precursor to anticipate, treat and prevent […]
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- BLOG Cardiovascular / Circulatory Cardiovascular / Circulatory Cardiovascular / Circulatory Tests / Biomarkers
The cardiovascular system serves many important functions, and supports every other physiological system. The more positive adaptation the cardiovascular system experiences, the more proficient it can fulfill its roles. Conversely, a diseased cardiovascular system will hinder all other physiological processes. I would like to briefly review the functions of the cardiovascular system, look deeper into […]
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- BLOG Body Fat / Skin Neurological / Psychological Skeletal
Children and adults share similar biochemical and physiological characteristics. However, “similar” should not be confused with “identical.” I would like to review some of these characteristics, identify similarities, and attempt to show subtleties that exist between these two age groups. Childhood might be defined as the period of time between the first birthday and adolescence, […]
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