Lodaer Img

Michael McIsaac, MS, MS, CSCS

Astragali Radix: Supporting Immunity

Immunotherapy is an intervention which uses an individual’s own immune system to manage diseases.1 Such is achieved by stimulating natural defenses found within the immune system to optimize an efficacious or desirable response to damaged cells, tissues, or the presence of pathogens.1,2 Within the last decade, immunotherapy has shown promise in treating immune-related conditions such […]

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Immune Support With Olive Leaf Extract

The immune system is composed of a complex and highly coordinated set of physiological and biochemical processes designed to manage cell and tissue injury from chemical, physical, and pathogenic agents.1 Thus, aberrations in immune system function will hinder an organism’s ability to induce defensive and regenerative processes in an effective and meaningful manner. One potential […]

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Menopause and Sleep Disturbances: Could Cannabis Help?

Menopause is a physiological change in menstruation emanating from fluctuations, and gradual down regulation, of ovarian hormonal activity.1 Hormonal fluctuations, also known as menopausal transition, can produce a plethora of symptoms to include depression, urinary incontinence, joint pain, palpitations, headaches, sexual concerns, night sweats, tiredness, and sleep disturbances.1(149) Most relevantly, sleep disturbances have been reported […]

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Urinary Tract Infections: Support With Garlic

The urinary tract is the most common region for bacterial infections, especially amongst females, and is estimated that nearly half of all women will experience at least one infection during their lifetime.1 Furthermore, urinary tract infections (UTIs) amount to approximately 100,000 hospitalizations, 1 million emergency visits, and 7 million family physician visits within the United […]

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Bacterial Vaginosis: Support With St. John’s Wort

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a condition affecting approximately 21 million females between 14-44 years of age within the United States, with recurrence rates as high as 58%.1 The genesis of BV occurs from an imbalance of normal anaerobic lactobacillus populations relative to anaerobic bacteria in the vaginal fluid; a condition known as dysbiosis.2 Ultimately, if […]

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Can Flaxseed Oil/Mucilage Help Manage Constipation?

Functional constipation (FC) is a condition in which a complete understanding of its pathophysiology remains equivical.1 Conventional thoughts behind FC involves slow transit time and/or pelvic floor impairment, however, Cirillo et al1(1489) stated that there are wide variations behind the precise identification of the dysfunction. Currently, most individuals with FC experience significant impairments to quality […]

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Botanical Support for Liver Disease

The liver is an organ critical for the purposes of energy production as well as the storage of glycogen, lipid-soluble vitamins (i.e., vitamin A, D, E, K), copper, iron, triglycerides, and detoxification of the blood.1 As such, mild aberrations in liver function can induce illness, and in severe cases (i.e., liver cirrhosis), death.2 Considering the […]

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Support With Anise Oil

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a commonly diagnosed condition with a global presence of 15% and has accounted for over 2 million family physician visits circa 2002 in the United States.1,2 Furthermore, IBS is a complex disorder with multiple aetiologies often characterized by abdominal discomfort, pain, gas, bloating, and altered bowel habits.1(261) Left unmitigated, IBS can also […]

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Helicobacter Pylori: Management With Oregano and Savory

Helicobacter pylori (HP) is characterized as a gram-negative bacterium with a considerable reach, affecting more than 50% of the world’s population.1 The genesis of HP is associated with gastric B-cell lymphoma, gastric adenocarcinoma, peptic ulcers, non-atrophic gastritis, atrophic gastritis, and micronutrient deficiencies to include B12, iron, folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin E.1(12809,12811) […]

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