Lodaer Img


Managing Celiac Disease / Gluten Sensitivity With Gluten-Free Diets

Celiac disease (CD) can be defined as an inherited autoimmune disease estimated to affect 1 out of every 133 asymptomatic people (Gaillard, 2016). Individuals with CD who consume gluten (a protein found in wheat, rye, barley, and their derivatives) damage absorptive villi of the duodenum, leading to malabsorbtion of important nutrients (Gaill ard, 2016). Non-celiac […]

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The Exercise Profession and Licensure

Triplett, Williams, McHenry, and Doscher (2009) stated that a lack of proper education can expose the employee to litigation, and the client to harm.In the following post, this author would like to explore factors, which affect the professionalism, efficaciousness, and credibility of the exercise profession. Ultimately, the aforementioned factors will be used as a platform […]

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Strengthening the Thoracic Spine and Scapular Regions

In this author’s last several posts, Vladimir Janda’s upper crossed syndrome (UCS) was explored, in addition to its relationship with the chronic musculoskeletal pain cycle (CMPC) (Page, Lardner, & Frank, 2010). Furthermore, stability and mobility restrictions, two central constituents of UCS, were covered as it related to the thoracic and scapular regions. Finally, methods were […]

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Lumbar Spine Reinforcement

The scope of this author’s post is intended to address lumbar spine instability via corrective exercise and reinforcement interventions. However, it is essential to acknowledge and address the influence of distal regions (upper crossed syndrome and lower crossed syndrome) and their influence on proximal regions such as the lumbar spine, by way of regional interdependence […]

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Hip Extension Regressions and Progressions

As was described previously in this author’s posts, lower crossed syndrome (LCS) is characterized by inhibited abdominals of the anterior side, in conjunction with the gluteus maximus/minimus/medius on the posterior side of the body. The rectus femoris and psoas major of the anterior side, in conjunction with the thoraco-lumbar extensors of the posterior side, have […]

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Micronutrient Review With Cronometer

Disparities often exist between what we think we know, and what we actually know. When I performed a nutritional self-assessment during Exercise and Sports Related Nutrition, I thought I had a well-balanced nutritional plan. Following a week of gathering baseline data with myfitnesspal software, I discovered that my conclusions were inaccurate. Throughout the nutritional self-assessment […]

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Corrective Exercise Approaches: A Client Case

Client Details: This author’s client is a 27-year old male, Karate (black belt), and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) (purple belt) competitor. He sustained a motor vehicle accident, is currently avoiding competitions, and has restricted himself to solely instructing students due to pain and discomfort along his upper back and low back. Additionally, he scored 1/1 […]

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Low Carbohydrate Diets, Grain Diets, and Biomarkers

Low carbohydrate diets (LCDs) have demonstrated favorable effects on biomarkers such as reduced triglycerides, total cholesterol, and improved insulin sensitivity (Ballard et al., 2013). However, do LCDs improve biomarkers as well as performance outcomes compared to grain-based diets (GBDs)? A case study by Rosenkranz, Cook, and Haub (2007) explored this question by placing an elite […]

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Resistance Exercise and External Cueing

Program design and coaching requires the culmination of evidence-based research (EBR) and experience. Clients are individualistic, with proclivities and behaviors distinct from other people. Each person progresses at different rates, perceives pain and discomfort uniquely, while holding attitudes towards exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle changes that may also differ. All of the aforementioned constituents play an […]

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Cardiovascular Exercise: An Evidence-Based Approach

Hypertension is a significant public health concern, in which its reach extends internationally (RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Saurabh Shrivastava, & Ramasamy, 2014). Considered the most common cardiovascular disease risk factor, more than 23 million cardiovascular deaths are estimated to occur by the year 2030, due to hypertension (RamBihariLal Shrivastava et al., 2014). Complications related to hypertension include […]

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