Lodaer Img


Cardiovascular Exercise: Determining Intensity

Roberg and Landwehr (2002) indicated the ambiguous history, poor predictability, and misuse of the maximum heart rate prediction equation (HRmax=220-age) commonly taught and used in academic institutions. Unveiling the aforementioned truths is a reminder that dogmatic practices can insidiously permeate throughout a field in an unknown, and undetected fashion. Considering the lack of scientific merit […]

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Prevention and Management of Osteopenia/Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis can be defined as decreased bone mass and a shift in the structure of bone, resulting in a reduced quality of bone (Tufts, 2011). The quality of bone cannot be assessed, however, bone mineral density (BMD) can be screened using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scans to determine mineral content of bone (Tufts, 2011). […]

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Exercise Prescription

Exercise prescription, and who should recommend it, is a highly relevant and pertinent question. Although any individual can assist someone else when engaging in exercise and physical activity, there is not always a guarantee that such recommendations are derived from a qualified and experienced individual, or that exercise prescriptions are appropriate, effective, and safe. The […]

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Adolescents, Nutrition, and Physical Activity

Brown (2014) stated that overweight and obesity (OO) has doubled over the last two decades. Although genetics play a role in the outcome of such conditions, it would be fallacious to conclude genetic predispositions as a singular impetus behind OO. Environmental factors, specifically the interplay between environment and genetics, are a more likely cause of […]

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Childhood Overweight and Obesity

Brown (2014) indicated that overweight and obesity (OO) are conditions among children that are mounting at an accelerated rate. Moreover, approximately 18% of children aged 6-11 are obese with BMIs greater than or equal to the 95th percentile (Brown, 2014). Conditions of overweight and obesity set a foundation for other physiological aberrations such as cardiovascular […]

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Celiac Disease

Celiac disease (CD) is a common digestive disorder that affects approximately 1% of European and North American populations (Chang, Burke, & Golub, 2011; Zimmer, 2011). Infants with CD are genetically susceptible and are reactive to foods containing a particular form of protein known as gluten. Such reactions from gluten cause an immune-mediated inflammatory response, damaging […]

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Lead Levels and Toddlers

  National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey has determined that approximately 0.9% of children between 1-5 years of age from 2005-2008 have lead blood levels surpassing 10mcg/dL (Brown, 2014). Due the toxic side affects of lead upon human physiology, it is paramount to control said lead levels. Common sources of lead exposure include airborne sources, […]

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Iron Deficiency Anemia and Infants: Screening and Supplementation

Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) can be defined as a condition frequently marked by a low hemoglobin level (Brown, 2014). It is characterized by the signs of iron deficiency (depleted iron stores, weakness, fatigue, short attention span, poor appetite, weak immune system) in addition to paleness, exhaustion, and a rapid heart rate (Brown, 2014). Women with […]

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Dietary Habits and Breast Milk Quality

It has been indicated that optimal maternal nutrition, or lack thereof, affects the composition of breast milk. However, most research has reported an association between breast milk quality and nutrition without directly assessing dietary habits of the mother. Therefore, the following will consider the research concerning said connection between milk composition, supplementation, contraindications, and maternal […]

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Macronutrient Requirements During Pregnancy

Nutrient requirements during pregnancy are dynamic, and vary depending on several biomarkers of the female. Such markers include: current nutrient status, body size, physical activity levels, stage of pregnancy, and overall health status (Brown, 2014). As such, nutrient recommendations are largely unique to each individual. However, despite the specificity of said nutrient requirements, it is […]

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