Lodaer Img


Lumbar Spine Reinforcement

The scope of this author’s post is intended to address lumbar spine instability via corrective exercise and reinforcement interventions. However, it is essential to acknowledge and address the influence of distal regions (upper crossed syndrome and lower crossed syndrome) and their influence on proximal regions such as the lumbar spine, by way of regional interdependence […]

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Hip Extension Regressions and Progressions

As was described previously in this author’s posts, lower crossed syndrome (LCS) is characterized by inhibited abdominals of the anterior side, in conjunction with the gluteus maximus/minimus/medius on the posterior side of the body. The rectus femoris and psoas major of the anterior side, in conjunction with the thoraco-lumbar extensors of the posterior side, have […]

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Corrective Exercise Approaches: A Client Case

Client Details: This author’s client is a 27-year old male, Karate (black belt), and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) (purple belt) competitor. He sustained a motor vehicle accident, is currently avoiding competitions, and has restricted himself to solely instructing students due to pain and discomfort along his upper back and low back. Additionally, he scored 1/1 […]

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Resistance Exercise and External Cueing

Program design and coaching requires the culmination of evidence-based research (EBR) and experience. Clients are individualistic, with proclivities and behaviors distinct from other people. Each person progresses at different rates, perceives pain and discomfort uniquely, while holding attitudes towards exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle changes that may also differ. All of the aforementioned constituents play an […]

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Cardiovascular Exercise: An Evidence-Based Approach

Hypertension is a significant public health concern, in which its reach extends internationally (RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Saurabh Shrivastava, & Ramasamy, 2014). Considered the most common cardiovascular disease risk factor, more than 23 million cardiovascular deaths are estimated to occur by the year 2030, due to hypertension (RamBihariLal Shrivastava et al., 2014). Complications related to hypertension include […]

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Cardiovascular Exercise: Determining Intensity

Roberg and Landwehr (2002) indicated the ambiguous history, poor predictability, and misuse of the maximum heart rate prediction equation (HRmax=220-age) commonly taught and used in academic institutions. Unveiling the aforementioned truths is a reminder that dogmatic practices can insidiously permeate throughout a field in an unknown, and undetected fashion. Considering the lack of scientific merit […]

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Prevention and Management of Osteopenia/Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis can be defined as decreased bone mass and a shift in the structure of bone, resulting in a reduced quality of bone (Tufts, 2011). The quality of bone cannot be assessed, however, bone mineral density (BMD) can be screened using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scans to determine mineral content of bone (Tufts, 2011). […]

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Adolescents, Nutrition, and Physical Activity

Brown (2014) stated that overweight and obesity (OO) has doubled over the last two decades. Although genetics play a role in the outcome of such conditions, it would be fallacious to conclude genetic predispositions as a singular impetus behind OO. Environmental factors, specifically the interplay between environment and genetics, are a more likely cause of […]

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Childhood Overweight and Obesity

Brown (2014) indicated that overweight and obesity (OO) are conditions among children that are mounting at an accelerated rate. Moreover, approximately 18% of children aged 6-11 are obese with BMIs greater than or equal to the 95th percentile (Brown, 2014). Conditions of overweight and obesity set a foundation for other physiological aberrations such as cardiovascular […]

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Metabolic Syndrome and Lifestyle Interventions

Metabolic syndrome (MS) is a condition defined by a constellation of associated risk factors that increase a person’s chances of contracting stroke, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and diabetes (Chen, Yen, Huang, Lee, Hsia, & Lin, 2012). MS affects 35.1% men and 32.6% women in the United States, and associated risk factors include high levels of blood […]

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