Lodaer Img


Obesity Management: Exercise and High Protein Nutrition

Obesity and overweight are prevalent, and considered an epidemic in the Western world. Not only are the conditions widespread, overweight and obesity are also associated with high rates of morbidity and mortality (Meckling & Sherfey, 2007). Inactivity, in addition to poor nutrition, contributes to the aforementioned conditions, and is estimated that over 57% of Canadians […]

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Shoulder Post-Rehabilitation

In the author’s practice as a Kinesiologist, the terminal goal of each client’s program is to improve the strength and quality of functional/everyday motions: pushing, pulling, squatting, lifting, carrying, and locomotion. After a client has been cleared by a medical professional to engage in exercise, a key step in the client’s post-rehabilitation (PR) program is […]

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Pregnancy and Core Training

Evidence-based, periodized exercise programs have the capacity to improve several biomarkers such as cardiovascular adaptations, higher bone mineral density, improved blood profiles, and muscular strength (Piper, Jacobs, Haiduke, Waller, & McMillan, 2012). Considered universally favorable adaptations for all people, what remains unique however, is how such improvements are sought for each individual, and special populations. The following […]

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Low-Back Pain and Program Design

Clients recovering from motor vehicle injuries that are ready and approved for strength training (i.e., post-rehabilitation) require well-developed programs, which maximize effectiveness while minimizing risk of re-injury. Extensive weakness and deconditioning are common traits among the aforementioned populace, dominated by middle-aged (40-65 years) clientele in the author’s practice. Clients are often seeing a medical professional […]

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Exercise-Induced Inflammation VS. Food-Induced Inflammation

In my last post, characteristics of exercise-induced inflammation (EII) were explored. Topics included how brief and moderately intense exercise initiated an immune response, as well as the central physiological and biochemical processes required to achieve adaptation to the same stimuli of equal magnitude. In the following sections, food-induced inflammation (FII) will be reviewed, as well […]

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Inflammation: Defining Its Time and Place

Inflammation is a natural immune response to neutralize and clear foreign bodies and damaged cells in a biological organism (Ilich, Kelly, Kim, & Spicer, 2014). The immune response can have several etiologies such as overconsumption of omega-6 rich foods, food sensitivities, poor sleep, stress, toxic environments, and intense physical activity (Ruiz-Nunez, Pruimboom, Dijck-Brouwer, & Muskiet, […]

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Omega-3 Supplementation: Supporting Resistance Training and Recovery

Inflammation is a natural immune response to neutralize and clear foreign bodies and damaged cells in the body (Ilich, Kelly, Kim, & Spicer, 2014). However, prolonged states of inflammation, as seen by the frequent overconsumption of foods (i.e., refined sugars, processed foods, grain fed meats) rich in omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (a pro-inflammatory fatty acid) […]

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