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Obesity and Health; An Anthropological Perspective

Obesity is not only a disease, but an epidemic driven by hormones, behavior, genetics, as well as bacteria, physiology, pathogenic pathways, and culture.1 Obesity has continued to extend its grip reaching Asia, the Near and Middle East, Western Pacific regions, and Sub-Saharan Africa.2 Modern day living is considerably different from Homo sapiens 10,000 years ago, […]

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Inactivity, Addictive Foods, and How They Drive Obesity

Obesity is a mounting public health issue, which has tripled in growth over the past 40 years, and is among the biggest preventable deaths worldwide.1 Obesity can be defined as men who exceed 25% body fat, and women who surpass 35% body fat; measures that apply to 72% of males and 64% of females in […]

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Food Biotechnology and Regulating Bodies

Food quality and abundance are potential challenges as the world population continues to escalate. One particular answer to solve such an issue is through food biotechnology (FB) interventions. FB can be defined as the implementation of single microorganisms, enzymes, and microbial groups to modify food.1Such interventions are used to improve rates of production, conserve perishable […]

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Restricted Ankle Mobility: Risks and Interventions

In a previous discussion, I explored the general benefits of warm-ups and their relationships to performance enhancement. Stiff joints and restricted flexibility hinder full expressions of motions, movement patterns, and movement economy. Warm-ups can help circumvent these problems (Fradkin, Zazryn, & Smoliga, 2010). In order to more deeply appreciate the application and interventions of exercises […]

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Warm-Ups and Performance

A warm-up can be defined as preparatory exercise to improve competition or training performance (Fradkin, Zazryn, & Smoliga, 2010). However, have warm-ups been supported by evidence as being effective? If so, to what degree are they effective, and why are they effective? The following sections will explore the aforementioned questions to gain insight and appreciation […]

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Biomarkers of Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome (MS) is a term that identifies an aggregate of physiological abnormalities which increases the risk of liver disease, type 2 diabetes (T2D), and cardiovascular disease (Agyemang-Yeboah, Eghan, Annani-Akollor, Togbe, Donkor, & Afranie, 2019). Physiological abnormalities that constitute MS include dysregulated glucose metabolism, high blood pressure, abdominal obesity, and abnormal lipid profiles (Agyemang-Yeboah et […]

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B5 and Cysteine Supplementation: Do They Increase Energy Production?

Coenzyme A (CoA) is an enzyme considered an essential cofactor for biochemical reactions, to include energy production (represented as ATP in above image). As such, CoA has gained attention as a possible means of enhancing health and performance by researchers such as Wall, Stephens, Marimuthu, Contstantin-Teodosiu, Macdonald, and Greenhaff (2012). In the following sections, this […]

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