Lodaer Img


Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Supporting Intestinal Barrier Function with Glutamine

In this author’s latest posts, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) was explored with a particular focus upon nutritional support (i.e., removal of triggering foods) to manage said condition in addition to use of digestive enzymes when and where indicated. In the following sections, this author would like to explore other nutritional themes that might be efficacious […]

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Can Digestive Enzyme Supplementation Help?

In this author’s most recent posts, IBS was explored with a particular focus upon nutritional support to manage said condition. In the following sections, this author would like to explore other nutritional themes that could prove useful in mitigating the pathophysiology and symptoms underlying IBS. As such, the following will consider digestive enzyme supplementation as […]

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Nutritional Support for Gas, Bloating, and Constipation

Constipation is a condition that falls under a broader term known as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS); a disorder that negatively affects millions of people, globally.1 IBS with constipation (IBS-C) can be caused by multiple factors, ultimately presenting as slowed gut motility, gas, and bloating.1(39),2 Left unmanaged, IBS-C can create psychological burdens, affect relationships, lower physical […]

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Costochondritis, Duodenal Cancer, and Nutritional Support

Costochondritis is a self-limited condition defined by inflammation of the costochondral junctions of the ribs near the anterior region of the chest.1 Generally, neoplastic (abnormal tissue growth)/rheumatologic (inflammation of joints)/infectious processes can induce said condition. Duodenal cancer is characterized by abnormal and malignant tissue growth within the regions of the duodenum (intestinal component directly attached […]

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ADHD, Gut Health, and Nutritional Support

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most prevalent behavioral disorder in children, which has been estimated to affect 4-5 million children within the United States.1 Pharmacological and behavioral interventions have been the primary means of medical management of ADHD. However, the former approach has induced side-effects amongst approximately 65-70% of patients, and as many […]

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Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Advanced Glycation End Products: Exploring Solutions

The liver is the largest organ in the body providing vital functions such as energy production, detoxification, as well as storing copper, iron, triglycerides, lipid-soluble vitamins, and glycogen.1 Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is condition which threatens said functions and affects as much as 30% of the adult population; a disease now considered a predominant […]

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Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Fish Oil

  The origin of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) remains largely unelucidated, although multiple factors are involved inducing to an array of intestinal and extra-intestinal consequences, to include nutrient maldigestion/malabsorption.1 As such, it is imperative to identify and control underlying drivers of IBD in addition to managing symptoms of the same. One solution, as part of […]

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Poor Iron Absorption and Anemia: Hypochlorhydria as a Culprit?

The gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is approximately 7 m long with a 300 meter2 surface area.1 Such an organ functions as a gatekeeper defending against pathogenic organisms while concomitantly allowing for the breakdown, absorption, and passage of nutrients.1(2.3) Thus, physiological aberrations in the GIT can, and do, compromise the individual’s health and homeostasis. To appreciate the […]

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Constipation and Magnesium/Sulfate Mineral Water

Chronic constipation has an estimated prevalence rate of 14% and tends to be twice as more frequent amongst females than males.1 Constipation can be characterized by less than 3 defecations per week, recurrent abdominal pain for a minimum of 3 days per month within a 12-week period, straining while defecating, incomplete evacuation, and lumpy/hard stools.2 […]

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Managing Candida With Garlic

Small intestinal fungal overgrowth (SIFO) is a condition characterized by an excessive population of fungal microorganisms (Candida albicans) inhabiting the small intestine (SI).1 SIFO can exhibit a wide array of symptoms to include diarrhea (leading to nutrient insufficiencies), gas, belching, bloating, and indigestion.1(1) Furthermore, more severe complications of Candida albicans can lead to death.2 Thus, it […]

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