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Riboflavin (B2) and Probiotics

B2, also known as riboflavin, is a water-soluble vitamin responsible for multiple roles to include management of xenobiotic substances, metabolism of drugs, redox balance, controlling reactive lipid metabolism, and participation in energy metabolism (Pinto & Zempleni, 2016). As such, optimal B2 levels are essential in maintaining health and homeostasis. Although consumption of B2 through foods […]

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Niacin (B3) Deficiency: Symptoms and Solutions

Niacin, colloquially known as B3, was discovered via signs and symptoms of its deficiency; a condition known as pellagra. Pellagra was a prominent condition in the United States prior to the discovery of B3(Gropper, Smith, & Carr, 2018). As a means of appreciating niacin and its relationship to pellagra, the following will explore the same, […]

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Crohn’s Disease and Vitamin A

CD is characterized by chronic intestinal inflammation, followed by periodic intervals of remission (Soares-Mota et al., 2015). Part of controlling said inflammation is through lowering the concentration of reactive oxygen species (ROS) along the gastrointestinal tract. Such a process is known to reduce tissue damage associated with CD. Furthermore, as part of a complex of […]

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Vitamin D3 and Gut Inflammation

Vitamin D3 has been widely recognized as a key player in controlling metabolic bone disease. Less known to the public is said vitamin’s role in anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating capabilities (Raman, Milestone, Walters, Hart, & Ghosh, 2011). Interestingly, many tissues and cells, to include the immune system, contain vitamin D receptors (VDRs), indicating a need for its […]

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Antacids and Gut Function

McRorie (2018) stated that antacids can provide an expeditious increase in stomach pH. However, such a change comes at a consequence; the reduction of stomach acidity stimulates a rapid increase in the same (McRorie, 2018). Ultimately, the intervention that causes the relief is also the impetus behind further gastric acid production, leading the individual into […]

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Krill Oil Vs Fish Oil

In recent posts, I have covered omega-3 oils and their benefits. In recent years, a particular form of omega-3 (krill oil) has been researched and promoted for its particular health benefits. Such benefits include reduced hyperlipidemia, inflammation, and arthritis (Kwantes & Grundmann, 2015). As such, the following will consider krill oil, its safety, and comparative […]

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Vitamin D: Types, Utility, Screening, and Optimal Dosing

Vitamin D is a micronutrient that has been associated with significantly reducing all-cause mortality, and has been implicated in many diseases of modern civilization (Cannell, 2008). Furthermore, and most relevantly, vitamin D interacts with more that 200 genes and multiple organs, indicating its broad reach and influence upon human physiology (Cannell & Hollis, 2008; Wang, […]

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth: Exploring the Relationship

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) affects between 11% and 14% of the population characterized by altered gut motility (constipation/diarrhea), visceral hypersensitivity, abnormal brain-gut interaction, autonomic dysfunction, and immune activation (Lin, 2004). Although a diverse range of symptoms exist, 92% of said population exhibit bloating (Lin, 2004). Researchers have postulated that in order for bloating to occur, […]

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Steatorrhea and Fat Maldigestion/Malabsorption

In my last post, I covered the utility of low carbohydrate/high fat diets. However, one must be cautious to assume such diet is beneficial for all individuals as bio-individuality and circumstance might demand a different intervention. Some individuals exhibit an intolerance to fats in the diet, manifested as loose stools, gut discomfort, and low energy […]

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Crohn’s Disease, Vitamin D, and Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms

Research has indicated that individuals with Crohn’s disease (CD) can benefit from vitamin D3 supplementation (Carvalho et al., 2013). However, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) can blunt the anti-inflammatory properties of said vitamin. Such phenotypic variability makes one question the efficacy of recommending vitamin D3 supplementation without first considering potential roadblocks to absorption and utilization. The […]

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