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Body Fat / Skin

Adolescents, Nutrition, and Physical Activity

Brown (2014) stated that overweight and obesity (OO) has doubled over the last two decades. Although genetics play a role in the outcome of such conditions, it would be fallacious to conclude genetic predispositions as a singular impetus behind OO. Environmental factors, specifically the interplay between environment and genetics, are a more likely cause of […]

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Childhood Overweight and Obesity

Brown (2014) indicated that overweight and obesity (OO) are conditions among children that are mounting at an accelerated rate. Moreover, approximately 18% of children aged 6-11 are obese with BMIs greater than or equal to the 95th percentile (Brown, 2014). Conditions of overweight and obesity set a foundation for other physiological aberrations such as cardiovascular […]

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Type 2 Diabetes: Causes and Solutions

Technological progress is nested deeply within contemporary Western society, and has brought with it many conveniences gifted to its citizens; acute-care medicine, the combustion engine, mass food production, enhanced communications via smartphones, and instant access to information through the Internet, to name a few. Although such examples show technological prowess, they still remain but a […]

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Understanding the Complexity of Obesity

One hundred years ago, processed foods were minimal, mostly in the form of alcohol and breads. In the present day, societies contain many forms of processed products. Moreover, processed food is a dominant form of sustenance both in high-income and middle-income countries such as the United States (Monteiro, Moubarac, Cannon, Ng, & Popkin, 2013). With […]

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Low Carb Diets and Metabolic Syndrome: Can They Optimize Health?

Modern Western diets derive approximately 70% of total daily energy from refined carbohydrate sources such as sugar, vegetable oils, processed foods, and alcohol (Ilich, Kelly, Kim, & Spicer, 2014). In contrast, during the paleolithic era (over 11,000 years ago) individuals consumed over 73% of total daily calories from animal sources (Cordain, Miller, Eaton, Mann, Holt, […]

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Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome: Management and Prevention

Obesity is often associated with other conditions that deepen the health complications of an individual. Metabolic syndrome (MS) is a term used to describe a group of conditions that places people at a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease and other heart-related problems (Kenney, Wilmore, & Costill, 2012). I would like to […]

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Obesity Management: Exercise and High Protein Nutrition

Obesity and overweight are prevalent, and considered an epidemic in the Western world. Not only are the conditions widespread, overweight and obesity are also associated with high rates of morbidity and mortality (Meckling & Sherfey, 2007). Inactivity, in addition to poor nutrition, contributes to the aforementioned conditions, and is estimated that over 57% of Canadians […]

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Vitamin D and Hidden Hunger

In my last post, I covered a brief history of Scotland and how they circumvented vitamin D deficiencies. The intent of providing a brief history of the Scots and vitamin D intake was to show the complex interplay of environment, physiology, cultural proclivities, and economics on the effects of health. It was also my intent […]

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Very Low Carbohydrate/Ketogenic Diets: Benefits and Limitations

The paleolithic era (11,000 years ago) suggests that over 73% of most societies consumed the majority of their foods from animal sources (up to 65% of total calories) with remaining energy and sustenance derived from plant sources (Cordain et al., 2000). In the modern Western diet, over 70% of total daily energy is derived from […]

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Mild Chronic Dehydration and Implications

Macronutrients (i.e., carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) are generally understood concepts among the population, in which awareness is propagated through social media, online sources, DVDs, and class instruction (Johnston et al., 2014). There are also many nutritional approaches (i.e., Atkins, Zone, LEARN, and Ornish diets) that attempt to implement the aforementioned macronutrients to reach favourable weight […]

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