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Newfoundland, Drinking Water, and Arsenic: Check Levels!

INTRODUCTION Arsenic (As) is a metalloid (exhibits metal and non-metal properties) found in a ubiquitous fashion within food, soil, various places in the environment, and water; the latter of which is the most prevalent vector for human exposure.1 Natural disasters, such as ocean volcanos/forest fires, as well as and oil/wood burning can disperse As throughout […]

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Immune Support Protocols for COVID-19

The following is a summary of potential interventions, that I have written about previously, regarding immune support for COVID-19. The articles below have been collated for easy referencing:   1. COVID-19, Micronutrients, and Immune Support 2. Oral/Nasal Cleanses, SARS-CoV-2, and Early Interventions 3. Metabolic Syndrome, COVID-19 Severity, and Interventions 4. Sleep Deprivation and COVID-19 Severity: […]

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Sucralose: Is It Safe?

INTRODUCTION Sucralose is an artificial sweetener that was manufactured in the late 1980s by Tate & Lyle Company and the Queen Elizabeth College (University of London).1 Sucralose is a derivative of the natural sugar sucrose, whereby 3 hydroxyl groups (OH) are replaced by chlorine (CL) atoms.1(325) Such modifications have enabled sucralose to increase its sweetness […]

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Thyroidectomies and Hypoparathyroidism: Exploring the Relationship

  GENERAL OVERVIEW Thyroidectomy is a procedure whereby part, or all, of the thyroid gland is removed.1 Such a surgery is conducted to address and treat thyroid disorders to include: overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism), thyroid gland enlargement (goiter), and thyroid cancer.1 If partial thyroid gland removal is undertaken, the remaining glandular tissue is likely to continue […]

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Coffee: Exploring Health Benefits

ECONOMICS OF COFFEE Coffee consumption is the leading beverage, worldwide, just behind water, with its 2019 sales exceeding that of 87 billion dollars within the United States alone.1,2 Coffee remains one of the most widely and globally traded commodities, supporting the livelihoods of over 100 million individuals, and 26 million farmers across 52 countries.2(1) The […]

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Constipation and Benefits of Fiber

WHAT IS CONSTIPATION? Constipation is generally understood as the infrequent passage of stool and/or difficulty passing stool.1 Said condition is often accompanied by incomplete evacuation, bloating, and abdominal discomfort.1(236) Specifically, Jani and Marsicano1(236) stated constipation can be diagnosed through Rome IV criteria as: fewer than 3 bowel movements per week manual help to aid defecation […]

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Time Restricted Feeding: A Potential Protocol for Managing Dementia

In past articles (please see links below), I have examined lifestyle, exercise, nutritional, and supplement interventions to support neurological conditions such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Emerging evidence is suggesting the potential efficacy of an eating protocol known as time-restricted feeding (TRF) to help manage such conditions. As a means of appreciating TRF and its […]

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Ivermectin: History and Emerging Uses

Ivermectin is a drug which has gained widespread attention during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since that time, ivermectin has become a polarizing topic of discussion with respect to its formulations and uses. In the following sections, I would like to consider ivermectin’s discovery, history, well-understood uses, safety profile, and emerging utility/mechanisms for viral infections. HISTORY Ivermectin […]

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Metabolic Syndrome, COVID-19 Severity, and Interventions

In my last article, risk factors for COVID-19 disease virulence, and micronutrient recommendations to support the immune system, were explored. One of the major risk factors for disease severity, previously outlined, included metabolic syndrome (MS); a constellation of risk factors, that when combined, increase an individual’s chances of contracting conditions such as heart disease, stroke, […]

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