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Red Yeast Rice, Dyslipidemia, and CoQ10 Depletion

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a condition which has multiple rick factors to include lack of exercise, obesity, hypertension, smoking, ethnicity, gender age, and dyslipidemia.1 The latter factor, dyslipidemia, has a particularly potent contribution to cardiovascular risk, defined as the probability of an unwanted event such as myocardial infarction, stroke, or death.2 Ultimately, controlling the progression […]

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Cardiovascular Disease: Potential Support With CBD Oil

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a general term describing a group of conditions negatively affecting the health and function of the heart.1 Such conditions include coronary artery disease, heart defects, arrhythmias, and hypertension.1 Often, individuals are unaware of the presence of CVD until said condition manifests into a more serious complication such as stroke, heart attack, […]

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Supporting Sleep Hygiene With Ashwagandha

Consistent sleep quality and duration are cornerstones of both health and quality of life. Humans require appropriate sleep, each night, in order to synthesize hormones, repair tissues, grow tissues, and maintain cognitive function, memory, and mood.1 Thus, disruptions in sleep quality and duration can induce aberrations in health and homeostasis, demanding interventions to help restore […]

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Ginger: Can It Contain Heavy Metals?

Ginger is a plant recognized for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic capabilities, and such a botanical has been suggested to manage pain.1 Considering that North America has been experiencing an opioid epidemic, such alternatives to pain management has become an increasingly appealing, safe, and cost-effective option. However, ginger has particular vulnerabilities from the environment it is […]

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Cancer Therapy and Antioxidants; Should They Be Used?

In this author’s last post, information was provided on breast cancer to include relevant pathophysiology, methods of tracking its preferred energy substrates (glucose), and potential nutritional interventions to help disrupt further growth and proliferation of the same. In the following sections, this author would like to explore the utility of antioxidants as another means of […]

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Breast Cancer: Potential Support with Ketogenic Diets

Breast cancer is the predominant form of cancer, and leading cause of death, among females.1 Surgery and systemic therapies such as hormonal therapy, chemotherapy, and molecular targeted therapy are implemented and chosen based on the molecular characteristics of the breast cancer. Despite such interventions, absolute efficaciousness of said modalities are not ubiquitous among breast cancer […]

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Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and Nutritional Support

As mentioned in this author’s recent post, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (HT) is a condition whereby antithyroid antibodies and T-lymphocytes infiltrate and destroy cell components of the thyroid gland; in time, the thyroid loses its function to produce thyroid hormones.1 This author’s last post also considered the role of gut health, and optimizing the same, as a step […]

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Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: Connection to Gut Function, and Solutions

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (HT) is a thyroid disease whereby antithyroid antibodies and T-lymphocytes (part of the adaptive immune response) infiltrate and destroy cell components of the thyroid gland.1 Eventually, the thyroid gland loses its capacity to produce sufficient amounts of hormones necessary for normal function; an inevitable process which leads to hypothyroidism.1(661-662) As a means of […]

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Infertility and Endocrine Disruptors: Nutrition and Exercise Interventions

Infertility can be defined as the inability to conceive a child within a 12-month timeframe, affecting men and women equally.1 Said condition affects approximately 12% of the American population, or 7.3 million people, and has influenced a precipitous decline in fertility rate.1(763) As a means of exploring natural interventions to improve fertility, the following will […]

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Megaloblastic Macrocytic Anemia and B12: Testing and Solutions

The prevalence of vitamin B12 deficiency is common within the elderly population; between 10-40% of individuals in advanced age are diagnosed with inadequate levels of said micronutrient.1 As such, it is imperative to restore B12 levels back to optimal ranges. However, inappropriate consumption of B12 can induce deficiency or potential toxicity. As a means of appreciating […]

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