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Premenstrual Syndrome: Support With Turmeric

Curcumin is a polyphenol, which is found from the plant Curcuma longa. The colloquial name for curcumin is turmeric (Adahoun, Al-Akhras, Jaafar, & Bououdina, 2015). Over the past 50 years, considerable research has been performed on turmeric exploring its influence upon health, prevention of disease, as well as its therapeutic affects as an anti-tumor, anti-oxidant, […]

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PCOS and Metabolic Syndrome: Exploring the Connection and Providing Solutions

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine disorder among women in which 10% of the population is affected within the United States (Reisner & Reisner, 2017). PCOS is often diagnosed among females between 20-40 years of age, and is a prominent cause of anovulatory (no oocytes released during menstruation) infertility. PCOS is characterized by enlarged […]

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Dysmenorrhea and Inflammation: Support With Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Dysmenorrhea is defined as painful menstruation and is characterized by two types: primary dysmenorrhea characterized by no disease (PD) and secondary dysmenorrhea (SD), which is characterized by diseased organs within the pelvic regions (Reisner & Reisner, 2017). The following sections will explore dysmenorrhea in greater detail, in addition to nutritional interventions to help attenuate pain […]

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Vitamin D and Hidden Hunger

In my last post, I covered a brief history of Scotland and how they circumvented vitamin D deficiencies. The intent of providing a brief history of the Scots and vitamin D intake was to show the complex interplay of environment, physiology, cultural proclivities, and economics on the effects of health. It was also my intent […]

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