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Body Fat / Skin

Mitochondria and Relationships to Health

INTRODUCTION Mitochondria are organelles (subcellular structures conducting specific tasks) found within the cells of our bodies. Such organelles are involved in several critical processes to include reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, cell survival, cell signalling, apoptosis (cell death), several metabolic pathways, and energy production via adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthesis; its most widely known contribution.1,2 As […]

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Heavy Metal Exposure, Sauna Use, and Health Outcomes

A toxin is a poisonous substance capable of causing death or serious debilitation, and is often found in air, water, and soil.1,2 In this author’s last post, hepatic phase 1 and phase 2 detoxification pathways were covered as a means of appreciating the primary method of capturing and excreting toxins (via urination and defecation). In […]

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Biomarkers of Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome (MS) is a term that identifies an aggregate of physiological abnormalities which increases the risk of liver disease, type 2 diabetes (T2D), and cardiovascular disease (Agyemang-Yeboah, Eghan, Annani-Akollor, Togbe, Donkor, & Afranie, 2019). Physiological abnormalities that constitute MS include dysregulated glucose metabolism, high blood pressure, abdominal obesity, and abnormal lipid profiles (Agyemang-Yeboah et […]

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Sleep Apnea and Interventions

It is estimated that more than 12 million individuals suffer from sleep apnea in the United States (Torpy, Lynn, & Golub, 2011). Sleep apnea is characterized by breathing, which stops for short periods during sleep. Two forms of sleep apnea exist: obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea (Torpy et al., 2011). Obstructive sleep apnea […]

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Androgen Replacement Therapy: Time and Place?

Aging has been associated with many signs and symptoms observed in elderly men. Some of these symptoms include: decreases in work capacity, energy, strength, muscle mass, libido, sexual activity, nocturnal penile tumescence, virility, decreased bone density, increases in abdominal body fat, insulin resistance and atherosclerosis (Vermeulen, 2000). It is possible that some or all of […]

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PCOS and Inflammation: Management With Fat Loss

In this author’s last post, polycysctic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) was explored and its relationship to metabolic syndrome. The following will continue to explore PCOS and its relationship to low-grade chronic inflammation (LGCI) and obesity. Sirmans and Pate (2014) indicated that weight loss could help control PCOS (control inflammation). Of particular interest is the biochemical relationship […]

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