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Neurological / Psychological

Cold Water Immersion: Is It Worth Doing?

Besh.ca INTRODUCTION Cold water immersion (fancy way of describing being in cold friggin’ water) is a form of bathing that has gained popularity in recent years, thanks to researchers and popular public figures (i.e., Dr. Andrew Huberman, Wim Hof, Brent Beshara). Cold water immersion (CWI) can be defined by exposing the body to water temperatures […]

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Mitochondria and Relationships to Health

INTRODUCTION Mitochondria are organelles (subcellular structures conducting specific tasks) found within the cells of our bodies. Such organelles are involved in several critical processes to include reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, cell survival, cell signalling, apoptosis (cell death), several metabolic pathways, and energy production via adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthesis; its most widely known contribution.1,2 As […]

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Plastics and Negative Health Impacts

PLASTIC BASICS Plastics tend to constitute an estimated 10% of total household waste, most of which are disposed of in landfills.1 Plastics are made of a wide variety of synthetic and semi-synthetic organic substances, which allow for various molded objects and shapes. Due to the multiple uses and durability of plastic, production is high; in […]

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Sleep Disorders and Weighted Blankets: Can They Help?

WHY DOES SLEEP MATTER? Adequate sleep is critical to maintain homeostasis; sufficient and consistent sleep is necessary to maintain metabolic, cerebrovascular, and cardiovascular health in addition to mental health, mood, and cognitive function.1 Left unchecked, poor sleep can induce deleterious effects upon physical health, general well-being, and public safety.1(2115) Ultimately, fractured sleeping patterns have been […]

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Benefits of Instrument Assisted Self-Massage

WHAT IS SELF-MASSAGE? Self-massage is a technique, which often implements foam rollers, massage balls, and massage bars (otherwise known as instrument assisted self-massage, or IASM) to induce sweeping and direct pressure upon soft tissue (i.e., muscles); a process, which induces friction, and stretching.1 IASM techniques have gained popularity over time due to their ease of […]

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Dementia: Support With Sauna Therapy

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a condition characterized by the development of two abnormal proteins in the brain known as β-amyloid and tau, which are toxic to nerve cells within the brain.1 The build-up of such proteins inexorably leads to neuron death, degraded brain function, and manifestations of dementia; a general term, which describes a decline in mental abilities […]

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Benefits of Diaphragmatic Breathing

Mounting evidence is suggesting that deep belly breathing, otherwise known as diaphragmatic breathing (DB), can induce beneficial and relaxing effects that support physical and mental health.1 Although DB is slowly gaining attention amongst exercise professionals, medical professionals, and the general public, specific benefits have remained largely elusive.1(1) Considering the anecdotal benefits of DB, the following […]

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Alzheimer’s Disease: Support With Ginkgo Biloba

Dementia is one of the predominant health problems within populations of advanced age, afflicting 5-10% of individuals with said disease.1 As many as 35.6 million individuals have dementia globally, and it has been estimated that said number will increase to 65.7 million by 2030.1(508) Hence, it is imperative that individuals with such a condition explore […]

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Supporting Sleep Hygiene With Ashwagandha

Consistent sleep quality and duration are cornerstones of both health and quality of life. Humans require appropriate sleep, each night, in order to synthesize hormones, repair tissues, grow tissues, and maintain cognitive function, memory, and mood.1 Thus, disruptions in sleep quality and duration can induce aberrations in health and homeostasis, demanding interventions to help restore […]

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Social Anxiety Disorder: Can CBD Help?

Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is a condition characterized by excessive anxiety whereby an individual may feel judged.1 Such unease often finds its beginnings in performance situations and settings where interpersonal contact with others is required.1(1) Said anxiety generates fear of social environments, which may induce humiliation and/or embarassment.1(1) Left unmitigated, anxiety can cause social withdrawal […]

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