Lodaer Img

Neurological / Psychological

Improving Sleep Quality and Duration with CBD/THC Oil

As has been discussed in this author’s previous posts, consistent and optimal sleep quality and duration are paramount in maintaining health and homeostasis. Sleep hygiene, to include consistent sleeping times, dark rooms, cool temperatures, and the use of blue light-blocking glasses were covered as low cost/low risk interventions. However, when necessary and where indicated, an […]

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Improving Sleep Quality and Duration

Sleep is a critical, yet often underappreciated, constituent of health and homeostasis. In many industrialized societies, however, a trend towards less hours of sleep per night has become more prevalent.1 Seven hours or less of sleep has been attributed to factors such as greater time associated with leisure activities and longer work schedules.1(148) Ultimately, such […]

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Reducing Headache Intensity With Saunas

Headaches, whether tension-type or migraine based, are conditions of unclear origin.1 Such syndromes appear to affect many aspects of individuals’ lives, affecting well-being, causing disability, and remains a public health issue costing billions of dollars each year in lost productivity and treatment.1(103) Thus, cost-effective and low-risk interventions are logical choices to best reach and help […]

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Inadequate Sleep and Health Outcomes

Sleep is a vital, yet greatly overlooked, component to health. In many industrialized societies, there is a trend towards less hours of sleep per night (Gallicchio & Kalesan, 2009). Losses in sleep of seven hours or less are attributed to factors such as longer work schedules, and greater time associated with leisure activities (Gallicchio & […]

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Conflict Resolution

Conflict can be defined as a strong disagreement between people and groups that results in arguments (Conflict, 2014). Conflicts can be unpleasant, distracting, professionally expensive and emanate from organizational changes, scarcity of resources, prejudices as well as miscommunication (Haraway & Haraway, 2005). Ultimately, all causes are united by their destructive tendencies. Due to the deleterious […]

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Organic Acid Markers and Intestinal Health

Gut dysbiosis is a condition characterized by a disruption in the ratio and number of microorganisms (known as the microbiome) in the small and large intestine to include bacteria, parasites, viruses, and fungus (Huang, Gao, Yu, Zhu, Ding, & Qin, 2019). Such aberrations in gut function are linked to altered nutrient digestion/absorption, reduced immune/barrier function, […]

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Saunas, Detoxification, and Managing Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a condition accounting for 30% of all cause mortality and 10% disability worldwide (Zhang & Chang, 2019). Underlying causes of CVD can include congenital abnormalities, infectious agents, nutritional, and environmental factors (Reisner & Reisner, 2017; Sears, Kerr, & Bray, 2012). As such, interventions to manage said factors are paramount in maintaining […]

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Cannabis and Sleep

Canada has now legalized the sale and use of cannabis. As time passes and proper education and public awareness is provided regarding medical application, some individuals may consider using said plant derivatives to mitigate the effects of insomnia. It is possible that, in conjunction to addressing micronutrient deficiencies and improving sleep hygiene (developing a consistent […]

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Environmental Pollutants, Sweating, and Detoxification

Sears, Kerr, and Bray (2012) indicated that several elements exist in the environment that provide no known benefit, physiologically. Such elements include arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), and mercury (Hg) (Sears et al., 2012). However, said elements have the capacity to bioaccumulate in the body producing aberrations in multiple regions to include the cardiovascular, […]

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Thyroid Hormone Regulation and Health

  Metabolic processes, in addition to normal growth and development, are heavily influenced by the endocrine system; a group of organs, which release hormones directly into the bloodstream (Reisner & Reisner, 2017). Such endocrine glands include the pituitary, adrenal cortex, medulla, pancreas, kidneys, parathyroid, and thyroid. Aberrations in the performance and function of said glands […]

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