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Tests / Biomarkers

Pathophysiology of Coronary Heart Disease

Pathophysiology helps us understand the pathology and physiology behind diseased and disordered systems of the body. In my last post, I covered roles of the cardiovascular system and the diseased states that occurred within it. Now, I would like to cover the pathophysiology behind these diseased states, as a precursor to anticipate, treat and prevent […]

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Cardiovascular Disease

The cardiovascular system serves many important functions, and supports every other physiological system. The more positive adaptation the cardiovascular system experiences, the more proficient it can fulfill its roles. Conversely, a diseased cardiovascular system will hinder all other physiological processes. I would like to briefly review the functions of the cardiovascular system, look deeper into […]

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Youth and Resistance Training: Myths and Facts

Research shows unequivocal evidence that exercise has benefits on many biomarkers of the human movement system. However, interpretation and dissemination of evidence have, at times, become skewed. I would like to move through a brief history of preadolescent exercise, the misconceptions that followed it, and contemporary support for youth resistance training. The term “youth” uses […]

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Micronutrient Review With Cronometer

Disparities often exist between what we think we know, and what we actually know. When I performed a nutritional self-assessment during Exercise and Sports Related Nutrition, I thought I had a well-balanced nutritional plan. Following a week of gathering baseline data with myfitnesspal software, I discovered that my conclusions were inaccurate. Throughout the nutritional self-assessment […]

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Low Carbohydrate Diets, Grain Diets, and Biomarkers

Low carbohydrate diets (LCDs) have demonstrated favorable effects on biomarkers such as reduced triglycerides, total cholesterol, and improved insulin sensitivity (Ballard et al., 2013). However, do LCDs improve biomarkers as well as performance outcomes compared to grain-based diets (GBDs)? A case study by Rosenkranz, Cook, and Haub (2007) explored this question by placing an elite […]

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Cardiovascular Exercise: Determining Intensity

Roberg and Landwehr (2002) indicated the ambiguous history, poor predictability, and misuse of the maximum heart rate prediction equation (HRmax=220-age) commonly taught and used in academic institutions. Unveiling the aforementioned truths is a reminder that dogmatic practices can insidiously permeate throughout a field in an unknown, and undetected fashion. Considering the lack of scientific merit […]

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Prevention and Management of Osteopenia/Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis can be defined as decreased bone mass and a shift in the structure of bone, resulting in a reduced quality of bone (Tufts, 2011). The quality of bone cannot be assessed, however, bone mineral density (BMD) can be screened using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scans to determine mineral content of bone (Tufts, 2011). […]

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Childhood Overweight and Obesity

Brown (2014) indicated that overweight and obesity (OO) are conditions among children that are mounting at an accelerated rate. Moreover, approximately 18% of children aged 6-11 are obese with BMIs greater than or equal to the 95th percentile (Brown, 2014). Conditions of overweight and obesity set a foundation for other physiological aberrations such as cardiovascular […]

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Iron Deficiency Anemia and Infants: Screening and Supplementation

Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) can be defined as a condition frequently marked by a low hemoglobin level (Brown, 2014). It is characterized by the signs of iron deficiency (depleted iron stores, weakness, fatigue, short attention span, poor appetite, weak immune system) in addition to paleness, exhaustion, and a rapid heart rate (Brown, 2014). Women with […]

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Type 2 Diabetes: Causes and Solutions

Technological progress is nested deeply within contemporary Western society, and has brought with it many conveniences gifted to its citizens; acute-care medicine, the combustion engine, mass food production, enhanced communications via smartphones, and instant access to information through the Internet, to name a few. Although such examples show technological prowess, they still remain but a […]

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