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Prevention and Management Strategies for Cardiac Arrest

In my last post, I outlined factors that could contribute to cardiac arrest, as a first step in anticipating and managing weight room emergencies. In the following sections, I would like to build on the aforementioned early detection strategies by outlining a prevention and management program suggested by Abbott (2013). Abbott (2013) submitted that although […]

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Cardiac Arrest; Are We Prepared?

Awareness and identification of liability exposures in a fitness facility is a central step in developing strategies for protecting clientele, and employees (Einkoff-Shemek & Deja, 2000).  A common accident that occurs in fitness facilities is cardiac arrest, and some institutions still experience difficulties preventing and managing cardiovascular complications when it they do occur (Abbott, 2013). […]

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Personal Trainer Scope of Practice

Of particular interest is a personal trainer’s scope of practice (SOP). Abbott (2012) defined SOP as the limitations imposed by law on different vocational pursuits that require a specific educational background and a demonstrated level of competency. Scope of practice also outlines responsibilities and limitations of a professional (Abbott, 2012).  In a effort to gain […]

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Standards and Guidelines; Constituents of Professionalism

Professionalism can be defined as the conduct, goals, or qualities that characterize a profession or a professional (Professionalism, 2014). There are many constituents of professionalism that share similar, as well as different, ideals across fields of expertise and organizations. However, a common unifying archetype often found among professions, especially health professions, is the need to […]

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Exercise Science Degrees; Are They Practical?

In past posts, I explored professionalism within the exercise profession, as well as the constituents that formed credibility. I advocated higher academic standards as a vital first step in moving the exercise professional field in a favorable and advantageous direction. However, is it possible that foundational knowledge within some of our academic institutions is lacking in […]

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Risk Factors for Coronary Heart Disease

Understanding the disease process of coronary heart disease (CHD) allows us to anticipate, detect and treat its dysfunction before CHD worsens. Epidemiology has assisted us by collating several biomarkers that filters out individuals at risk of CHD. The following will cover these risk factors in more depth, in an attempt to broaden our understanding of […]

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Pathophysiology of Coronary Heart Disease

Pathophysiology helps us understand the pathology and physiology behind diseased and disordered systems of the body. In my last post, I covered roles of the cardiovascular system and the diseased states that occurred within it. Now, I would like to cover the pathophysiology behind these diseased states, as a precursor to anticipate, treat and prevent […]

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Cardiovascular Disease

The cardiovascular system serves many important functions, and supports every other physiological system. The more positive adaptation the cardiovascular system experiences, the more proficient it can fulfill its roles. Conversely, a diseased cardiovascular system will hinder all other physiological processes. I would like to briefly review the functions of the cardiovascular system, look deeper into […]

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Youth and Resistance Training: Myths and Facts

Research shows unequivocal evidence that exercise has benefits on many biomarkers of the human movement system. However, interpretation and dissemination of evidence have, at times, become skewed. I would like to move through a brief history of preadolescent exercise, the misconceptions that followed it, and contemporary support for youth resistance training. The term “youth” uses […]

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