Lodaer Img

List of Continuing Education To Date

Good morning everyone. I have a small list of all courses, books, DVDs, and podcasts that I have attended/listened to so far. Maybe this could be useful for other nerds out there. At any rate, here it is:

July 13-September 20, 2015

Kine 6300 Human Movement Dysfunction-Completed. This represents course number 10 in my Kinesiology grad program.

March 22-June 1, 2015

Kine 5101 Advanced Exercise Prescription-Completed. This represents course number 9 in my Kinesiology grad program.

January 5-March 15, 2015

Kine 5100 Advanced Fitness Nutrition-Completed. This represents course number 8 in my Kinesiology grad program.

September 29-December 14, 2014

Kine 5005 Exercise and Sport Related Nutrition-Completed. This represents course number 7 in my Kinesiology grad program.

June, 2014

Charlie Weingroff’s Lateralizations and Regressions. 2014 (DVD). This 7-DVD set covered Dr. Weingroff’s principles and methods on rehab and performance enhancement. Lots of great information here.

March 17, 2014 – June 6, 2014

HM 706 Evidence-Based Practice and Research Methods-Completed. This is my fifth course in my Masters of Science degree (Kinesiology) through ATSU.

December 15, 2013 – March 9, 2014

HM 502 Functional Anatomy-Completed. This is my fourth course in my Masters of Science degree (Kinesiology) through ATSU.

August 26–November 15, 2013

HM 501 Exercise Science-Completed. This is my third  course in my Masters of Science degree (Kinesiology) through ATSU.

June 17-20, 2013

HM 604 Program Institute. This was a 4 day symposium in Phoenix, Arizona. Topics covered included: business, sports psychology, CNS fatigue, exercise as medicine, exercise prescription and program design, exercise for obesity, endurance and altitude training for athletes, falls and older individuals, aging/activity/amino acid relationships, ethics, olympic lifts,  anatomy lab, functional assessment lab, landing biomechanics lab, metabolic testing lab.

March 11, 2013 – May 31, 2013

HM 500 Motor Control-Completed. This is my first course in my Masters of Science (Kinesiology) through ATSU. Excellent course.

October, 2012-Present

Underground WellnessThe Wellness Guys, Robb Wolf. These are three podcasts that have a wealth of information on health/fitness, medical, and nutritional information. Check them out.

September, 2012

John, D., (2009). Never Let Go. Santa Cruz, California: On Target Publications.

September, 2012

Optimal Shoulder Performance: From Rehabilitation to High Performance, Eric Cressey and Michael M. Reinold. 2010 (DVD) USA. Covers assessing, evaluating, and training both painful and non painful shoulders.

June 22-23, 2012

Blanks, S., 2012. “National Coaching Certification Program”. Paradise, NL. Sport NL Building. This is Part B component. It is a foundation level program. All coaches must take this before specializing in a particular sport.

May, 2012

Michael Boyle’s Functional Strength Coach 4.0. 2011 (DVD) USA. 10 hrs of footage regarding Coach Boyle’s thoughts on personal training, strength and conditioning, and the businesses of both.

May, 2012

Functional Movement Systems: Applying The Model to Real Life Examples. 2011 (DVD) USA: Gray Cook. Covers the philosophy behind the FMS, as well as finer details behind each screen. Also places emphasis on breathing techniques, specifically diaphragmatic breathing and its implications to the screen, scores, movement dysfunction, and pain.

December 6-7, 2011

Gill, L., 2011. “Titleist Performance Institute’s Certified Golf Fitness Instructor Level 1“. Phoenix, AZ. Mesa Convention Center. This course covered, in depth, the biomechanics of the golf swing using 3-D analysis and kinematic sequencing using speed analysis. This course also provided an in-depth movement assessment allowing the exercise professional to make correlations between the swing faults and movement dysfunctions. This course represents level 1 of a 3 level program for exercise professionals.

November, 2011

Reinhold, M. (2010). Shoulder Seminar. This is a 7-week online continuing education course taught by Mike Reinhold, DPT, ATC , CSCS. It will be covering how to assess shoulder dysfunctions, as well as implementation of corrective exercise and strengthening strategies to optimize shoulder performance.

November 20, 2011

Berhardi, J. (nd). Precision Nutrition Certification.  This was a 16 week online nutrition certification course which I just completed. Very detailed, and incredibly useful.

September, 2011-Present

www.stopchasingpain.podbean.com Another great resource for rehab and performance enhancement information. The host is Dr. Perry Nickleston. He covers a gambit of information from both the medical and fitness realms. And it’s free.

August 22, 2011

Fabiano, W., 2011. “Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Workshop.” Saint John’s, NL. Republic Jiu Jitsu.

July, 2011

The Ultimate Back: Enhancing Performance, Stuart McGill. 2011 (DVD) Ontario: BACKFITPRO Inc.

June 18-19, 2011

Bilotta, J., 2011. “Soft Tissue Release Workshop”. Saint John’s, NL. Paradise Physiotherapy.

May 20, 2011 – Present

Sports Rehab Expert  This is a very useful website devoted to providing quality and up to date information on sports orthopedic rehabilitation and injury prevention. It has several mediums of sharing information: podcasts, videos, articles, as well as forums to post your own questions.

May, 2011

Joint By Joint Warm-Up & Training. 2008 (DVD) USA: Elite Conditioning and Michael Boyle.

April, 2011

Evolution of a Strength Coach: 25 Mistakes in 25 Years. 2008 (DVD) USA: Elite Conditioning and Michael Boyle.

April, 2011

Adrenaline Performance Center: Extreme Strength, Conditioning, Explosive Power. Training Progressions For The Weekend Warrior to World Class Athlete. (DVD) Canada: Steven J Wong.

April, 2011

Core Performance: Training For Golf. 2004 (DVD) USA: Athlete’s Performance Properties LLC.

April, 2011

Training The Endurance Athlete. 2008 (Audio CD) USA: Michael Boyle & Elite Conditioning.

April, 2011

Tsatsouline, P., (2003). The Naked Warrior: Master Secrets of the Super-Strong Using Bodyweight Exercises Only. Saint Paul: Dragon Door Publications Inc.

March, 2011

Hall, H., (2003). A Consultation With The Back Doctor. New York: McClelland & Stewart Ltd.

March, 2011

CNS Intensive Training. 2007 (DVD) USA: Elite Conditioning and Michael Boyle.
Plyometric Training. 2005 (DVD) USA: Ace Personal Performance & Fitness, Wild Moon Studios,  and Michael Boyle.
Strength and Power for Sport. 2008 (DVD): Elite Conditioning and Michael Boyle.
Developing Linear Speed. 2005 (DVD): Perform Better and Michael Boyle.
Developing Lateral Speed. 2005 (DVD): Perform Better and Michael Boyle.
Medicine Ball Training. (DVD): Elite Conditioning and Mike Boyle.

March, 2011

Training the Overweight Client. 2010 (DVD) USA: Mike Boyle and Gravity Boston.
Fat Loss Secrets. 2005 (DVD) USA: Ace Personal Performance & Fitness, Wild Moon Studios, and Mike Boyle.

March, 2011

Training = Rehab   Rehab = Training. 2011 (DVD) USA: Charlie Weingroff.  12 hour lecture and practical. Covered functional movement screen, selective functional movement assessment and corrective exercise techniques for exercise professionals.

February, 2011 To Present

www.strengthcoachpodcasts.com: Excellent source of rehab and performance enhancement information. Anthony Renna is the host. About every 2 weeks he posts a new podcast that is about an hour long. The biggest advantage of these podcasts is that we don’t need to wait for rehab and exercise professionals to publish books on new theories and training ideas; we can hear about them almost immediately. There are over 100 podcasts so far, and they will continue to grow. And they are free.

January, 2011

Anatomy Trains: Myofascial Meridians. 2004 (DVD). Thomas Myers. Covered the 12 directions (aka myofascial meridians) that fascia moves throughout the body. Covers how tight or shortened fascial meridians create postural dysfunctions. Also provides specific stretches to mitigate fascial restrictions.

November 15, 2010

Certified Ergonomics Coordinator Certificate Program. Ergonomics Foundations (8 week online program, Completed). University of Fredericton.

September 28, 2010

Berhardi, J. (nd). Precision Nutrition Certification.

September 20 – November 12 , 2010

Certified Ergonomics Coordinator Certificate Program. Ergonomics Foundations (8 week online program, in progress). University of Fredericton.

August 14-15, 2010

Jones, B., 2010. “Advanced Functional Movement Screen”. Montville, NJ. One Human Performance.

August 2, 2010

Corrective Exercise Specialist Certification (completed). National Academy of Sports Medicine

July 30, 2010 – Present

Strength Coach This is a very useful website devoted to providing quality and up to date information on sports rehabilitation and performance enhancement. It has several mediums of sharing information: podcasts, videos, articles, as well as forums to post you own questions.

July, 2010

Sahrmann, S., (2002). Diagnosis and Treatment of Movement Impairment Syndromes. St. Louis: Mosby Inc.

July 15, 2010

Corrective Exercise Specialist Certification (in progress). National Academy of Sports Medicine.

December 12, 2009

McGill, S., 2009. “Building the Ultimate Back”. St. John’s, NL. Memorial University of Newfoundland.

November, 2009

The Functional Movement Screen. 2009 (DVD) USA: Gray Cook and Functional Movement.
Secrets of Primitive Patterns. 2008 (DVD) USA: Gray Cook and Functional Movement.
Secrets of Core Training. 2007 (DVD) USA: Gray Cook and Functional Movement.
Secrets of The Hip and Knee. 2007 (DVD) USA: Gray Cook and Functional Movement.
Secrets of The Shoulder. 2006 (DVD) USA: Gray Cook and Functional Movement.
Exercise Tubing Program. 2005 (DVD) USA: Gray Cook and Functional Movement.

October 24-25, 2009

Burton, L., 2009 “Functional Movement Screen.” Kitchener, Ontario. Personal Edge Training.

June, 2009

McGill, S., (2007). Low Back Disorders. University of Waterloo, Ontario.

April 1, 2008

Certified Level-1 Sport Conditioning Coach designation. Twist Conditioning Inc.

January 21, 2008

Conflict Resolution. Division for Lifelong Learning. Memorial University of Newfoundland.

December 7, 2007

Certified Exercise Physiologist designation. Canadian Society For Exercise Physiology

September 22, 2007

Level 2 Sport Movement Specialist designation. Twist Conditioning Inc.

September 21, 2007

BOSU Balance Certification Program. Twist Conditioning Inc.

July 24, 2007

Level 1 Sport Balance Specialist designation. Twist Conditioning Inc.

May 17, 2007

Level 1 Sport Movement Specialist designation. Twist Conditioning Inc.

February 11, 2007

Level 1 Sport Strength Specialist designation. Twist Conditioning Inc.

December 3, 2005

Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist designation. National Strength and Conditioning Association

October 22, 2004

Bachelor of Kinesiology. Memorial University of Newfoundland