Lodaer Img

Nutritional Coaching

NUTRITIONAL COACHING: Injuries can hold you back, tempt you to eat poorly, and slow your recovery. Nutritional Coaching gets you back on track, supports your recovery, energy levels, and other health problems related to your injury.

Did you know that processed foods and added sugars can contribute to your pain, weakness, and weight gain? Overeating foods like these can also cause problems like:

  • Weight gain
  • High blood pressure
  • High blood sugars
  • Elevated “bad” cholesterol
  • Lowered “good” cholesterol
  • Elevated triglycerides (a type of fat)
  • Decreased focus
  • Anxiety
  • Depression

But why should you care? Because the conditions mentioned above are like ingredients in a recipe that can create cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and stroke. If you have these ingredients (also known as risk factors) brewing inside you, it is called Metabolic Syndrome.

We can help you recover from your injury AND reduce your risk of Metabolic Syndrome!

*Offered at our private training studio, and virtual/online*


Initial Consultation Cost (plus tax)
1 Session (60 minutes) $100.00


Single (1 Person) Cost (plus tax)
1 Session (30 minutes) $60.00





Support your recovery and reach optimal health. Identify changes in your body that are affecting how you look, feel, and perform.

You are unique as an individual, and Health Tests help personalize your exercise, nutrition, and supplementation protocols with our Kinesiologists.

We provide in-depth functional labs that assess how well, or poorly, your cells and organs are working; the parts that make up who you are. We use a functional approach, which helps determine causes behind your symptoms, helping us get to the roots of your problem.

Our labs tests include:

1. NutrEval

This test identifies key nutritional deficiencies. The NutrEval evaluates overall nutritional status to determine personalized supplementation needs for antioxidants, B-vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids, digestive support, and other select nutrients.

The NutrEval is an advanced diagnostic tool to guide nutritional therapies, often augmenting and speeding recovery of complex chronic conditions. Select genomics biomarkers may be added to the profile for enhanced personalization of therapies.

Effective for Patients Experiencing:

  • Mood disorder
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Digestive Complaints
  • Chronic Pain/Inflammatory Conditions
  • Musculoskeletal
  • Migraine
  • Cardiovascular Risk
  • Weight Issues/Dietary Guidance
  • General Health and Sports Fitness Optimization


2. Vitamin D

25-Hydroxyvitamin D, known for its role in bone health and calcium absorption, also appears to affect immune function, neurodegenerative and cardiovascular issues, and other conditions. Vitamin D occurs in two forms—D3 is obtained from animal diet sources and through sun exposure, and D2 is obtained through vegetable diet sources. Both forms of the vitamin are used to fortify various foods and in supplements. Doctor’s Data uses the gold standard LC/MS QQQ method to measure Vitamin D2, D3 and total Vitamin D.

Detailed Information

25-Hydroxyvitamin D is the major circulating form of vitamin D. It occurs in two forms: vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), and is the precursor of the active form (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D). Because of its long half-life, measurement of total 25-Hydroxyvitamin D (D2 plus D3) provides the best assessment of patient vitamin D status and includes vitamin D derived from diet, supplements and exposure to UVB light, such as sunlight.

Vitamin D is best known for its role in calcium and bone metabolism, but emerging research indicates that low levels of vitamin D may be associated with increased risk of:

  • Some cancers
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Depression
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Infections
  • Preeclampsia
  • Cesarean deliveries
  • Neurocognitive dysfunction

Vitamin D regulates the expression of a vast array of genes in tissues including immune cells, the vasculature, muscle and reproductive organs. Vitamin D insufficiency is common and deficiency can have adverse health effects at any stage of life. Many testing methods do not differentiate between the two forms of vitamin D, and only total concentrations are reported. This LC/MS QQQ method is sensitive and specific for both vitamin D2 and D3, and each form is measured and reported independently.


3. Omega-3 Index Basic Test

The Omega-3 Index Basic Test measures the amount of EPA and DHA in the blood. Studies show 8% is the optimal level of omega-3.

Do you know your number?

When you take an Omega-3 Index test it gives you a percentage, which is simply a measure of the amount of EPA and DHA in your blood. An Omega-3 Index of 8% or higher is ideal, the lowest risk zone. However, most people hover around 6% or below. And unfortunately in the US, most people are at 4% or below – the highest risk zone.

Raising your Omega-3 Index to the desired zone of 8% will help ensure you are getting enough of the right omega-3s — EPA and DHA — to protect your health.

Why Test?

The Omega-3 Index is a measure of omega-3s EPA + DHA in your blood. But how much omega-3 you eat is only part of the puzzle. There are many other factors that affect your Omega-3 Index such as:

  • Genetics
  • Gender
  • Weight
  • Age
  • Lifestyle

Omega-3s and Your Health

The omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) have been shown to benefit a wide variety of health conditions affecting the heart, brain, eyes, and joints. They’ve also been associated with healthy aging in general. Thousands of papers have been published on their effects on the body, and the research is not slowing down.

Unfortunately, most people don’t get enough of these important nutrients from their diets, which is why testing blood levels is so important.

Remember; if you are not testing, you are guessing.