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Michael McIsaac

How We Prepare You for Independent Training

INTRODUCTION When clients begin training with our Kinesiologists, there are many bases to cover; initial assessments, and one-on-one coaching of self-massage techniques, corrective exercises, and functional strength training. All of these steps are necessary because one builds upon the other. This eventually creates a strong foundation, and suit of armor, for our clients. But what […]

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Manage Your Pain with Instrument Assisted Self-Massage (IASM)

INTRODUCTION When you are suffering from an injury, it is quite common to experience muscle related soreness. Over 90% of our referrals are motor vehicle accident (MVA) related. Our clients almost always suffer from muscle tension driven and/or worsened by the MVA they experienced. Although it is absolutely critical to strengthen weak muscles and restore […]

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Cold Water Immersion: Is It Worth Doing?

Besh.ca INTRODUCTION Cold water immersion (fancy way of describing being in cold friggin’ water) is a form of bathing that has gained popularity in recent years, thanks to researchers and popular public figures (i.e., Dr. Andrew Huberman, Wim Hof, Brent Beshara). Cold water immersion (CWI) can be defined by exposing the body to water temperatures […]

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Probiotics: What They Are, and Why You Might Need Them

INTRODUCTION You have probably heard friends talking about how yogurt, cheese, sauerkraut, or kimchi is “good for your gut” But what do they mean, and what are they talking about exactly? It turns out that your friends are likely correct, and these foods, known as probiotics, can be good for you and your health. Keep […]

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Essential Amino Acids and Why They Matter

INTRODUCTION Many of my clients have sustained injuries, especially from car accidents. Regretfully, pain and stiffness limit their movement, which can cause muscle loss, weakness, and deeper dysfunction. Increasing client strength, and overall health, through a well-developed strengthening program is a key component in rehabilitation. However, many forget that resistance training is only one step, […]

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Small Intestinal Fungal Overgrowth (SIFO) and Supplemental Support

INTRODUCTION Small intestinal fungal overgrowth (SIFO) is a condition characterized by an excessive concentration of fungal microorganisms inhabiting the small intestine (SI).1 This condition is often found amongst those who use antibiotics, antacids, the immunocompromised, and individuals who have poor gut motility (i.e., constipation).1(1) Having covered SIFO and nutritional interventions in previous articles, I will […]

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