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Michael McIsaac

The Common Cold: Immune Support With Vitamin C

As discussed in this author’s last 2 posts, the common cold (rhinovirus) was covered as well as its negative affects upon children, adults, and cellular function. Quercetin and zinc were explored as potential interventions to help limit viral entry into cells, replication, and inflammatory cascades. In the following sections, this author will explore vitamin C […]

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The Common Cold: Immune Support With Zinc

As discussed in this author’s last post, the common cold (rhinovirus) was covered as well as its negative affects upon children and adults. The prevalence of cold viruses was understood to maintain their presence throughout all seasons and accounted for 40% of time lost from jobs and approximately 30% of absenteeism from school.1 Quercetin was […]

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The Common Cold: Immune Support With Quercetin

The common cold affects children, on average, 6-8 times a year while adults contract 4-6 colds per year.1 Such cold viruses generally maintain their presence throughout all seasons and account for 40% of time lost from jobs and approximately 30% of absenteeism from school.1(1289) Considering absenteeism from school, work, and associated unfavorable symptoms (chills, sniffles, […]

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Dementia: Support With Sauna Therapy

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a condition characterized by the development of two abnormal proteins in the brain known as β-amyloid and tau, which are toxic to nerve cells within the brain.1 The build-up of such proteins inexorably leads to neuron death, degraded brain function, and manifestations of dementia; a general term, which describes a decline in mental abilities […]

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Managing Osteoarthritis with Type 2 Collagen

  Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common disabling condition characterized by degenerative changes in articular cartilage and underlying bone.1 Degeneration ensues when the balance of cartilage synthesis and breakdown becomes disrupted. Left unmitigated, deeper deterioration of articulating surfaces emerges causing pain, decreased mobility, and lowered quality of life. Therefore, it is imperative to consider interventions which […]

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Organic Acids Tests and Your Health

Meaningful and accurate assessment of health status often requires analysis of symptoms, and signs. Symptoms can be thought of as subjective reports from a patient regarding a physical disturbance or disease, while a sign can be defined as objective evidence of disease ascertained from biomarkers.1 Biomarkers can be characterized as a measure of pathogenic processes, […]

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Benefits of Diaphragmatic Breathing

Mounting evidence is suggesting that deep belly breathing, otherwise known as diaphragmatic breathing (DB), can induce beneficial and relaxing effects that support physical and mental health.1 Although DB is slowly gaining attention amongst exercise professionals, medical professionals, and the general public, specific benefits have remained largely elusive.1(1) Considering the anecdotal benefits of DB, the following […]

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Sarcopenia: The Importance of Exercise Selection and Stability

  Demographics are steadily shifting towards an aging population, worldwide; by 2050, it is estimated that 25% of the global population will be of advanced age.1 Such knowledge should behoove one to preemptively consider interventions to manage health. In this author’s previous posts, information was provided regarding advanced age (i.e., 65+), sarcopenia, and general interventions […]

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