Lodaer Img

Michael McIsaac

Botanical Support for Insomnia/Anxiety/Depression

Insomnia is a disorder which can underlie other long-term health conditions such as diabetes, coronary heart disease, lowered immune function, depression, and anxiety.1,2 Furthermore, its prevalence is wide, effecting an estimated 10-40% of the population. Since insomnia, left unmitigated, has such far-reaching consequences on health and homeostasis, it is paramount that said condition is addressed […]

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Anxiety/Anxiety-Related Disorders: Support With Cannabidiol

Anxiety can be defined as feelings of persistent worry that interferes with an individual’s ability to achieve and maintain relaxation.1(2) Such feelings are particularly prominent among children and adolescents, especially as they relate to social anxiety disorder (SAD).2,3 As mentioned in this author’s previous posts, common drugs used to manage anxiety include anti-depressants, serotonin-specific reuptake […]

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Managing Anxiety with Botanical Support

Anxiety is a is a mental disorder affecting several million people, worldwide, and such a condition is characteristically difficult to diagnose and treat due to the inherent complexity of the central nervous system. To date, the most prevalent intervention uses anti-depressants/serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitors/benzodiazepines though such pharmacological approaches are often ineffective and replete with unwanted side-effects.1(2) […]

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Alzheimer’s Disease: Support With Cannabis

AD is characterized by an increase in beta-amyloid plaque deposition and hyperphosphorylated tau proteins along neurons of the brain, in addition to increased inflammation from oxidative stress.1(2) Left unmitigated, neurodegeneration from the above mechanisms slowly degrades communication, writing, and reading while also destabilizing both physical and emotional control in the most severe stages of AD.1(7)2 […]

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Alzheimer’s Disease: Support With Ginkgo Biloba

Dementia is one of the predominant health problems within populations of advanced age, afflicting 5-10% of individuals with said disease.1 As many as 35.6 million individuals have dementia globally, and it has been estimated that said number will increase to 65.7 million by 2030.1(508) Hence, it is imperative that individuals with such a condition explore […]

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Osteoarthritis Support With Yucca Schidigera

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a source of disability, pain, and socioeconomic cost which affects approximately 18% of females and 10% of males over 60 years of age.1 Additionally, OA is multifactorial and complex, with biological, genetic, and biomechanical drivers.1(376) In recent posts, this author has considered how exercise, improved gut health, supplementation with specific nutrients, and the […]

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Managing Sleep-Induced Migraines With CBD Oil

Migraines are disabling conditions often characterized as persistent and recurrent headaches on one side of the head, which is associated with varying degrees of intensity.1 Such a condition has been considered as the 6th most prevalent disease and a primary cause of disability, worldwide, among middle-aged women and young adults.1(S109) Thus, determining causes of said […]

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Rheumatoid Arthritis Support With Cannabis

As discussed in this author’s previous posts, arthritis is a progressive degeneration of articular cartilage with eventual joint space narrowing.1 In particular, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is defined as a chronic autoimmune inflammatory disease characterized by consistent and symmetrical synovitis (inflammation of the synovial membrane) of the knees, feet, wrists, and hands.2 In recent years, and […]

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Managing Dyspepsia (Indigestion) With Peppermint Oil and Caraway Oil

Functional dyspepsia (FD) is a common condition diagnosed by clinicians, which is defined as recurrent/chronic epigastric discomfort in the absence of a disease.1 FD is not considered life-threatening, however, it does tend to negatively affect individuals’ productivity and overall quality of life.1(1) The the precise etiology and pathophysiology of FD remains largely unknown, with symptoms […]

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Coffee and Inflammation

  Coffee is one of the most popular beverages, worldwide, and consumption of the same has been documented as early as the Paleolithic era.1,2 Most of the population tends to consume coffee as a predominate vehicle for delivering caffeine. Consequently, interest among researchers has been mounting regarding the potential beneficial effects of coffee consumption, especially […]

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